[umbrello] Saving diagram doesn't save layout
Mats Webjörn
2016-06-23 08:00:13 UTC

I've just installed Umbrello 2.13.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and then imported a C++ project using the 'Code Importimng Wizard". I then spend several hours sorting out the different classes into different class diagram tabs and finally last night when all was done with a nice layout, I saved the project and exited Umbrello.

But I got a chock this morning when I again opened the project and found that the tabs were gone except one where all classes were in a big pile in the middle of the screen. Eventually I found that the other tabs were available, but I had to select them thru 'Diagram/Show/xxx'. And there all diagrams had been reordered into a mess. Almost all work from yesterday down the drain!

Just a humble question: What's the point with a tool where you have to redo your work every day ? My scenario is really trivial, so it seems odd that this catastrophic behavior has been able to pass unnoticed.

Kind regards
Mats Webjörn
